Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) Treatment

Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) Treatment

Sweating is a physical condition common in all. Sweating is your body’s mechanism to cool itself, which prevents your body from overheating. The nervous system automatically triggers sweat glands when body temperature rises. Normally sweating also occurs, especially on your palms, when you’re nervous. But excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis is a sweating disorder also known as polyhidrosis.

Types of Hyperhidrosis:

  1. Primary Hyperhidrosis: The most common form of hyperhidrosis is called Primary Focal (essential) Hyperhidrosis. In this type, the nerves responsible for signaling sweat glands become overactive, not due to physical activity or rise in temperature. The problem becomes even worse due to stress or nervousness. Usually, it affects palms, soles and sometimes faces. There is no medical cause of hyperhidrosis. It may have a hereditary factor.
  2. Secondary Hyperhidrosis: This type of hyperhidrosis occurs due to a medical condition. It’s a less common type. It’s more likely to cause sweating all over your body. Conditions that may lead to heavy sweating include diabetes, menopause hot flashes, thyroid, low blood pressure, heart disease, infections, nervous system disorder etc.


Hyperhidrosis treatment usually helps, beginning with antiperspirants. If antiperspirants don’t help, you may need to try different medications and therapies. In severe cases, your doctor may suggest surgery either to remove the sweat glands or to disconnect the nerves responsible for the overproduction of sweat.

Treatments Include:

  • Antiperspirant Lotions
  • Nerve-blocking medicines
  • Anti – anxiolytics Tablets
  • Botulinum toxin injections
  • Iontophoresis
  • Sweet gland removal therapy